Coastal Trailers - BTB.4_02

Rent-to-Own Services for Trailer Dealers

Coastal Trailers specializes in quick and easy rent-to-own options in the utility, cargo, and dump trailer industries. Grow your client base and close more deals with affordable payment options!

Visit our sister site, Barn Management Group, and make payments through their payment portal.

Attract More Customers
Boost Your Revenue

Offer affordable month-to-month payments so you can reach more
customers and increase your sales!

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No Credit Check

Our RTO services never require a credit check. Offer your customers an easy way to get the trailer they need regardless of their credit score.

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Flexible Contract Agreements

Payment plans are available in 24-, 36-, or 48-month terms. Meet the specific needs of every client with accommodating contract options.

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Return at Any Time

Trailers can be brought back at any point during the contract. Provide your customers with the peace of mind that comes with no-fee returns that won’t hurt their credit score.

Ready to Grow Your Client Base?

How it Works

At Coastal Trailers, we’re dedicated to providing a simple and affordable path to ownership for trailer dealers. Our RTO agreements are streamlined and straightforward, so you don’t have to waste valuable time in the sales process!

Our contracts simply require:

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And your customer will only need:

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    We handle the rest from there!

Have Questions?

Offering RTO options through your trailer business might seem complicated, but we’re here to help! Coastal Trailers has years of experience helping businesses just like yours expand their client base and make more sales by offering affordable options to people with low credit scores.

Call our customer service specialists or check out some of our resources to get the answers to all your questions.

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